From all of us at Phelps Helps, we wish you a happy and safe holiday! Please take note that our offices will be closed from December 24th to January 2nd, inclusively. All of our weekly sessions (high school and elementary levels) will start up again on January 15th.
Already this school year, Phelps has had 111 local community members participate in one or more of our programs. Many others have attended special events held at Phelps Helps like our Family Literacy event that hosted characters from the popular children’s series Paw Patrol and PJ Masks, welcoming more than 80 individuals of all ages. We have had 35 volunteers this fall who have offered their time to help our participants in our 5 weekly educational programs and another 44 special event volunteers!
This school year is off to a great start and we hope to see even more students, community members and volunteers at our programs in the new year!